
EatWhatever -- Giveaway ENDS- @ 12:01AM



Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogorama Bonanza '11 $171 Giveaway Pack--Closed

Thanks to Jyla's Three Of Us for putting the event together. This is Blogorama Bonanza '11. This event starts today the 12th of September and goes through to the 22nd. This is my first time to ever be in an event so I'm excited about the turn out. There is over 100 blogs in this event just click the wordpress button at the bottom to hop onto the next blog once your done entering mine here. Hope you enjoy!

All my giveaways are only open to USA ONLY!

I use rafflecopter and you have to have javascript enabled if it doesn't show up please refresh. Now without anymore waiting my giveaway package is below worth $171 total and its for one winner so good luck.

I do want to thank the sponsors of this giveaway package below you can find the list here and the reviews of the following companies below

Charm Factory Review
Slanket Review
Ecover Review
Photacular Review

Price Package: $171 Value

Slanket - Siamese slanket Limoges 39.99
Photacular - $20 Gift Certificate
Ecover - Grapefruit and Green Tea Dish Washing Liquid & Auto Dish Washing Tabs ($10.02)
Charm Factory - Any Bracelet up to $14.99 from this PAGE
My Lip Stuff - Random 6pk of Lip Balms $15.00
Zero Water - 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher $39.99
Vitalicious - Super Sampler $35.99

I was not compensated for the giveaway only for the reviews listed on the pages linked. Facebook is not a sponsor nor do they have anything to do with this giveaway.


Joe N.
Blog Owner

Click Below Image To Hop To The Next Blog...


Denise said...

You have a lot to offer here. I look forward to checking, and for medical things too as I'm a transcriptionist. Thanks for following. I'll be back also.

XOXO, Michelle said...

HI! Following back. Real Housewife of Singapore... just got my BB2011 post working!

Karen F said...

The ZeroWater

Nicole B said...

Hi, I'm following back from Blogorama Bonanza and I thing the Zero Water pitchers are great!

My blog is Mom Always Finds Out. Thanks for visiting and for the follows!


Barbara said...

The Ecover products are what I like!!!

barbs562 AT gmail DOT com

lisa said...

Charm Factory Bracelet of choice! :) Very cool!


Candace said...

Following back (Candace's Book Blog). I look forward to reading more of your blog! Thanks for stopping by!

Belinda said...

I would love to have the charm factory bracelet

Sassy said...

I want a Slanket!

mrsking14 said...

The Slanket! Too cool!


Paula L. said...

The Siamese slanket. I love it!
jandplee at att.net

Jennifer S. said...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my Blogorama post, now I am entering yours. Prize #1 looks pretty awesome to me! :)

Julie said...

Charmfactory Bracelet!
gracejulie @ yahoo dot com

Abbi said...

any prize would be great but i do love charm factory
kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

BethElderton said...

I'd like the Zero Water
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

It's so hard to choose a favorite..this is a great prize package. I'd love to try the Ecover products....or the lip balms....or the pitcher...
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win the Ecover dish liquid & dishwasher tablets! Thanks for the opportunity!
reducefootprints at gmail dot com

jcwega27 said...

vitalicious sampler

Michele P. said...

the slanket would keep us warm on the cold winter nights coming up here in Maine.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Jessica Peeling said...

I think the Vitalicious sampler is pretty neat! (jessicapeeling@yahoo.com)

Pauline MIlner said...

I would most like to have a bracelet from the Charm Factory.

Thanks for the great giveaway. ~Pauline



Hi there! Just found you through a blog hop and am your newest follower.. Hope you can come visit me soon! I just started my blog some months ago and I would appreciate the support so much.. Thank you and have a beautiful day! :-)



Jayne said...

I would love the water or vitalicious prizes!

Michael M said...

I would love the Slanket.It looks so comfortable to cuddle with my honey in.
mike2stacy1 at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Would love the Zero water pitcher

Tara said...

Prize 1 is my first choice!!! :)

Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at)yahoo(dot)com

Dominique said...

I'd like to have the six pack of lip balms from My Lip Stuff the most lol. I always need lip balm.

couponcookie at gmail dot com

Terra Heck said...

I most like the Charm Factory bracelet prize. Thanks.

Alicia said...

I would love the Ecover products. Fabulous.

aliciacald at gmail dot com

Colette S said...

Thank you for visiting with me. I'm now your newest follower on blogger.
Going to visit you on fb too!

Enjoy your day!

April said...

Thanks for visiting me! I would love the zero pitcher!

Amanda Tempel said...

I would absolutely love to have the Siamese Slanket. Me and my boyfriend are always together, and this would just be perfect :)!


jamiebartley said...

Hey following you back from the event - I love your prize pack would love to win

Juana said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway!

Prize Choice: Bracelet of Choice from the Charm Factory.


Christy said...

i like the vitatops

Unknown said...

I like the Zero Water pitcher. trinitygsd at yahoo dot ocm

Dan said...

i like the vitatops

~April~ said...

I would like the Vitalicious - Super Sampler :-)

Anonymous said...

The muffins tops and brownies! LOL
My kids would think they had died and gone to heaven!

skgaff said...

I would most like the zero water pitcher.

SuperMom3128 said...

The Slanket. It looks so comfy.
l_dog542 at yahoo dot com

sweetpea18 said...

i'd love the zerowater pitcher!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

The vitalicous sampler

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

Catherine said...

They are all great prizes.. but I'd love to see my twins in that Slanket.. The cuteness factor would be off the chart!
Thanks for the Giveaway. I'm following with GFC, twitter and FB.

cloud10277 said...

I'd love to have the Zero Water - 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher.

Colette S said...

I'll take the Zero Water - 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher.

Jennifer said...

I'd love to win a bracelet from Charm Factory. They have an awesome selection of goodies.

Unknown said...

I would love to have the 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher
(Velvet Hubler)
velvethubler at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

All of them? lol If i had to pick one, I'd go with the Lip Balm pack :)

Veronica said...

I would love the bracelet from the Charm Factory, thanks!

Christina said...

the zero water 23 cup dispenser

Andrea said...

I would love the water pitcher or the charm bracelet.


Stacey Brucale said...

I'm most excited about the bracelet!


Unknown said...

Fantastic giveaway!!! I'm really wanting to try out the Slanket, so that sounds pretty nice!!

Thank for the chance to win!!

okj83 at live dot com

Anonymous said...

These are all very nice but my favorite is the Slanket wilcarvic

Toni said...

like the slanket it looks cozy and i am alway cold, winter is coming


Cass said...

It's all so much fun! I would like the slanket. It would be the perfect gift for my husband who likes to cuddle.


Shelly Peterson said...

The slanket.

Nicole Carter said...

I really want the zero water package!
Nicole Carter

Laura J Harrison said...

I would love to have the lip balm 6 pack!
geneveve2 at gmail dot com (the other products are great too though)

Mona said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)
Some great prizes -- so hard to choose. But if I must, I'll go with the Slanket.

dailymom said...

I would love the slanket the most
heididaily at gmail dot com

Judy said...

The Zero Water Pitchers!!

Thanks for giveaway.


Krista said...

I would love to win the Vital And Delicious pack the most! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Alison T. said...

I would love to have the Slanket the most. Thanks for the chance at it.

supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

ewhatley said...

would love to have the ZeroWater

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

Nofearpapertiger said...

All look great, but would most like to have the Vitalicious pack. :)

Angela Rhodes Krause

Unknown said...

I would love to have the slanket the most i think.

Cathy W said...

#1 would be my first choice.

karenmed409 said...

Zero Water Pitcher is my pick
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Traci66 said...

I would like the bracelet from Charm Factory.
ozzykelley1 at yahoo dot com

Fawn said...

I would love to have the ZeroWater pitcher the most
alsmalu at hotmail.com

LB said...

I'd love either but I like the my lip stuff the best!

SalemMomma said...

I would love to win the Vitalicious items!
jujubee676 at msn.com

scottsgal said...

I'd like a slanket
msboatgal at aol.com

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Vitalicious - Super Sampler $35.99

Unknown said...

Great give away - I like the Muffins the vitalicious sampler pack!


Ruth said...

The Vitalicious super sampler!

Anonymous said...

i would love to win the pitcher

sweetpea said...

vitalicius super sampler!


John said...

Well that Slanket looks interesting!
hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

The pitcher or the slanket lol

Jennifer Rote said...

The Vitalicious super sampler looks yummy!

Start To Finish Supplies said...

I am most excited about the Zero Water pitcher.

katie at coverbutton dot net

MamaNYC [Nicole H.] said...

I would LOVE a Slanket! :) All of the prizes are great - hard to pick... !

nhartmann54 at gmail dot com

Sherry said...

I think the Vitalicious sampler would be great and then the zero water.

sstrode at scrtc dot com

blue65829 said...

I would love to have the zero water pitcher! I have seen their ads on tv and it looks amazing.
blue65829 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

the water pitcher would be very handy...but than I'd love the dishwasher tablets as well. I have used them in the past and love them.

Allen S. said...

Like to try the Zero water pitcher.

js22 said...

wow, what a bunch of great prizes, but i'll go with one of my favorites - FOOD! I'd love the Vitalicious - Super Sampler!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

Michelle said...

All lovely items, but my favorite is the Vitalicious! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

i would love the slanket

vmkids3 at msn dot com

Ronalee said...

I would love the 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher most

email RonaleeDuncan{at}aol{dot}com

llinda29 said...

I want Vitalicious - Super Sampler $35.99 most

Jennifer McKay said...

What a nice price. I would be excited to win it.

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

The charm bracelet


julis55 said...

I like the Siamese slanket.

Michelle Willis said...

I would love to try Grapefruit and Green Tea Dish Washing Liquid & Auto Dish Washing Tabs

Carrie Phelps said...

I would love the Slanket

Diana R. said...

Definitely the Vitalicious pack - they're amazing!

frugalmommieof2 said...

I'd love the charm factory prize.

frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com

Karen said...

The Slanket!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

gnwg said...

I'd like to the the Slanket or the Vital Delicious foods
ziggyga athotmaildot com

Kate Barnt said...

I would really like the water pitcher!

Anja M. said...

I would love the Slanket :)

anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

Libby's Library said...

The Slanket - WooHoo!


Mercedes said...

I'd love the charm bracelet! Ooh!

mogrill said...

I love the Slanket.
Thanks for the chance.

Angel Jacklyn said...


Tara W said...

I would most like the Vitalicious - Super Sample.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Jessica Cox said...

I would like to try the Zero Water pitcher
James Cox

Darcie K. said...

I would love to have the My Lip Stuff prize!

Unknown said...

thanks for the chance
Kendra G

Christine said...

After seeing the word "brownies", that's all I can think about....

blogreader81 (at) gmail.com

Rebekah said...

They are all great prizes. But if I had to choose I guess the slanket. I have always wanted one like this.

Jenn S. said...

If I had to choose, I would choose the 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher from Zero Water.

cjabdelnour said...

I would choose the Zerowater pitcher! Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

bbrittbrat1398 said...

I would love the vitalicious super sampler!! yummy!


Helen said...

the charm factory bracelet

Farrah Shumway said...

The Zerowater pitcher :) If I had to choose 1 but they are all great!


Unknown said...

i would love the slanket!


Claire said...

The My Lip Stuff balms - I love them!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

shirley said...

Would like the 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher.

HolliLynn said...

I would love the six lip balms

Nicole C. said...

I would love to have the Vitalicious - Super Sampler.


Anonymous said...

i like Slanket,thanks
galyettina at yahoo dot com

Paula L. said...

The slanket!! I love it :D

trishden said...

Hello, I would love to try the Vitalicious - Super Sampler. Thanks for a great giveaway!


"Iowa Mom" said...

Zero Water Pitcher

jennem said...

The Slanket!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Erica best said...

i love the 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher

purple_lover_04 at msn dot com

steffie said...

definately the vita pack! love their products!

Yummy Boy Mummy said...

I'd love the Charm Factory bracelet. :)

EmmaPeel said...

Vitalicious sampler pack

Marianna said...

The ecover dish products!
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

maryjaco1 said...

I would like 23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher .

Penny Kathleen said...

I'd love the Charmfactory bracelet!

pkbw28 at gmail dot com

maria g said...

The bracelet. I love jewelry!
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com

ezmerelda said...

I would love to have the water pitcher. I have given up Diet Coke and drink gallons of water. This would help.

ezmerelda at mail dot com

Heavenly Savings said...

Slanket !!!

Shannon Alexander said...

i guess My Lip Stuff - Random 6pk of Lip Balms $15.00 would be my favorite but they are all awesome prizes

Michelle Spayde said...

The Vitalicious - Super Sampler!

Tabathia B said...

zero water pitcher & slanket
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

I would love the Vitalicious prize!
textbookmommy at gmail dot com

Cweller75 said...

It's hard to choose just one prize that I would like to win the most, because they are all great prizes. But, I would choose the Siamese slanket Limoges as the prize I want to win the most.


pauline15 said...

I would love to check out the zero water pitcher!

Amy delong said...

charm bracelet and slanket

Unknown said...

Ecover- grapefruit anything is my friend- one of my fave scents and if I have to wash dishes I may as well do them in something yummy. :D
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said...

Vitalicious sampler

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Becky said...

I'm going with the brownies and muffin tops.

Ally said...

I'm thinkin'...Slanket! It'd be great for my boyfriend and I!


Tonya Dean said...

23 Cup Dispenser Water Pitcher is what I want the most. Our town water is so gross.


Sarah Coulsey said...

I would really like the Slanket!! That way I can snuggle with hubby!!!

sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

sottovoce said...

I've wanted a Slanket for a long time now, that is the prize I am most excited about...but love the others too! :-) Thank you.
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i'm really excited about the bracelet. thanks! :D

Breanne said...

Zero Water pitcher

Emillie Rose said...

Would love Vitalicious - Super Sampler $35.99
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

sweetsue said...

I most want the water pitcher.Maybe I would drink more water!
smchester at gmail dot com

Adrienne said...

I would love the Vitalicious sampler the most.

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...it's a toss-up between the Zero Water for me, and the Slanket for my wife...

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

brian e.